SERMON ARCHIVE test Test #2 test Ma 6, '23. Series. "10 Commandments: God's Heart on a stone." Title:"Behind every good law is love." April 29, 2023. Series: "Festivals of Faith." Sermon Title: "The Law of Lots." Orange SDA Church Service 4 22 2023 April 15, 2023. Sermon Series "Festivals of Faith." Sermon Title: "Second Chance Blessing." April 8, 2023. Sermon Series: "Festivals of Faith" Part 2. Sermon: "Celebration of the Savior." April 1, 2023. Sermon Series: "Festivals of Faith." Sermon Title: "The Power Of a Party." March 25, 2023. Sermon Series "Transformative Discipleship" Sermon Title: "Rule of Life" March 11, 2023: Voice of Prophecy. Orange SDA Church Service 3-18-2023 Orange SDA Church Service 3 18 2022 March 10, 2023: Friday Night. Voice of Prophecy Presents: "Vision: Nuts and Bolts." -Dr. Bill Payne March 4, 2023. Series "Transformative Discipleship." Sermon "The Inner Cry." Orange SDA Church Service 2-25-2023 February 18, 2023: "Restoration of the Son" Ministries. Michael and Lynn Harris. February 11, 2023. Series, "Discipleship 101." Sermon Title: "Making of Miracles." February 4, 2023. Series "Discipleship 101." Sermon Title: "The Rest of the Sabbath Story." January 28, 2023 Series "Unexpected Discipleship" Sermon title "Regenerative Living." Orange SDA Church Service 1-21-2023 January 14, 2022 Series "Unexpected Discipleship." Sermon "A Thicker Blood." January 7, 2022 Series "Unexpected Discipleship." Sermon "Joseph and Dreams." Dec 24, 2022. Series "Good News:Jesus Loves the World."Music Program&Sermonette "Home Alone No More" December 10, 2022. Series "Good News: Jesus loves the World." Sermon "The Have Knots." December 3, 2022: Series"Good News: Jesus loves the world." Sermon "Darkest Gloom to brightest joy." November 26, 2022. Series "Agatha of God:All the time God's good." Sermon "Experience of Salvation."