Welcome to our Church
Love, learn and live in the Lord.
We passionately love Jesus, and are preparing ourselves and others to meet Him as we eagerly await His return.
The message of Jesus is central to everything we do.
Dig deeper into knowing God’s will through Bible study and prayer.
Nurture one another through fellowship and deep personal relationships.
Serve the spiritual and physical needs of our church, the community and the world. We believe that authentic Christianity is about living beyond ourselves.
Worship God individually, in small groups and as a church body.
“LIVE His Love”
Our beliefs can be summarized by the following statements:

Salvation is through the grace of God alone in God’s son Jesus Christ and His sacrifice alone.
God’s greatest desire is for you to see a clear picture of God’s character. When you see God, you will find God’s love irresistible.
Scripture is a road map. The Bible is God’s voice, speaking God’s love for all time and personally to you today.
Jesus never changes in a world that always does. Jesus is Creator, Sustainer, Savior, Redeemer, Friend, God’s Son, and fully God Himself.
God loves you, and wants to give you the highest quality of life imaginable not based upon earthly wealth but based upon God’s joy and peace.
The heart of God is a place where you can experience as home. God loves you, and wants to spend time with you everyday personally, one on one, as two close friends.
Our core values are the beliefs that guide us as we…

Jesus – Our church is centered on Jesus. His life, death and resurrection. We believe salvation is through the loving sacrifice of Jesus. We believe Jesus is God’s perfect revelation of God’s love for humanity.
Scripture – We accept the Bible as God’s message to us for salvation, teach, reproof, correction and training in righteousness so that we may be equipped to do the work of God (2 Timothy 2:16-17). The Bible teaches us about the person of Jesus.
Grace – We believe that it is only by God’s grace that we are saved. There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Forgiveness – Just as we have been forgiven by God, we must also forgive those that hurt us. (Matthew 6)
Service- We believe service is central to our life of faith. We are intentional about blessing others by being outwardly focused. We serve others with no strings attached.
Relationships – We believe relationships are central to the kingdom of God. We strive to be friendly, warm and open to all people.
Authenticity – We are a real church filled with real people. We don’t pretend to be perfect. We believe for relationships to be real, individuals must be authentic.
Spiritual Growth – The Bible refers to people of great faith as having walked with God. We believe spiritual maturity comes only from walking with God.
Our Vision is to lead people to:

Love God. We ask people to worship service on Saturday mornings to fall more in love with God through worship.
Love Others. We believe it is important to develop deep personal relationships with others and small groups are a perfect opportunity for that to happen.
Serve the World. We believe that Authentic Christianity is about living beyond ourselves. Serving others is essential to practicing our spirituality.
We welcome you to our church and want to share with you the valuable message of Jesus Christ. If this is your first time visiting our site we invite you to take a look around. If you are already a member and are unable to attend in person, we have provided you with a viewer to see our most recent message. God bless!
Our leaders

Lou Burgos
Church Elder, Leader of Prison Ministry & Adult Sabbath School

Trisha Burgos
Church Elder

Wally Kieffer
Church Elder

Vikki Murphy
Church Elder

Jim Wallace
Church Elder

Luiz Gustavo Assis
Senior Pastor
Pr. Luiz Gustavo Assis is originally from Brazil and has lived in the US for the past 10 years. He is married to Marina Garner Assis who is currently an assistant professor in the School of Religion at Loma Linda University. Together they have two vigorous boys, Isaac and Thomas. Pr. Assis served the Seventh-Day Adventist Church as the sole pastor of several congregations in Brazil and was actively engaged with churches in Illinois and Massachusetts before moving to Southern California last year. He holds a MA in Biblical Archaeology and Semitic Languages from Trinity International University (Deerfield, IL) and is finishing his PhD in Old Testament at Boston College (Newton, MA). As typical South Americans, the Assis family enjoys being around people, good food, and soccer! They look forward to getting to know the members Orange SDA church and spending time with them in prayer, studying the Bible and in fellowship.

Nathaniel Sevilla
Associate Pastor
I feel so privileged to be a pastor and doing this work for God in the Orange Church and Community. I would be lying if I said I always knew I would be a pastor. For as long as I could remember I wanted to a professional basketball player. Growing up I would spend every waking hour either playing or preparing my body for performance. Unfortunately, when I entered senior year of high school, I had multiple serious injuries and felt God was closing this door. Though I received basketball scholarships from a number of universities I felt this was not the path for me. I began to search. The path of ministry began in 2005 after I graduated high school and attended a 10-week colportuering (selling Christian books door-to-door) summer program. Towards the end of the program I believe God called out to me to surrender my life to Him and when I did He called me to be a pastor.
After the program, I attended La Sierra University in Riverside, California and completed a Bachelors of Arts in Religious Studies/Pre-Seminary with a minor in Biblical Languages in 2009. Upon graduation, I was hired by the Southeastern California Conference and was sent to Andrews University Theological Seminary in Berrien Springs, Michigan, where I completed the Masters in Divinity Program with an Emphasis in New Testament Studies and Youth Ministry in 2012. While in Michigan I was an assistant pastor at South Bend Indiana SDA Church (Fall 2010-Summer 2012). Since then I have pastored at Riverside Community Church and Celebration Center for 4 months, Victorville SDA Church (September 2012-July 2016) as the Associate Pastor for Youth, Laguna Niguel SDA Church (July 2016-March 2020) as the Associate Pastor for Young Adults and Young Families, and now here at Orange SDA Church as the Associate Pastor.
If I had to choose one bible verse that encapsulates God’s call in my life it is found in Psalm 40:2, “He drew me up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.” Life is very uncertain but God calls us to experience His abundant life here on earth today. I invite you to join us on this journey here at Orange Church where we truly believe God is in the business of transforming lives to make us better reflections of His love, grace, and truth. Come check us out!
When I’m not working, I will always love playing basketball and recently badminton, running, and swimming, eating Thai food and watching Netflix, and going to the park with my two handsome mini-me boys; Joash and Jalon.

Lizz Perez
Ukulele Director

Blima Westre
Sabbath School Secretary

Charlie Urban
Assistant Deacon Leader & Assistant Safety Officer

Carlos Orrillo
Friday Night Bible Study Leader

Lily Reyes
Director of VBS, Director of Children's SS, Co-Leader for Primary & Kindergartens SS, Sound Team Member

Tiffany Vo
Director of Health & Wellness Ministry

Lilliana Borowski
Director of Prayer Ministry, Director of Discovery Bible School

Ronald Holness
Head of Deacons
childrens ministry

Of the many blessings we receive in this life, there are few that are more precious than our children.
At Orange SDA Church, we believe in having a place for all of our children to learn, fellowship and grow in the Lord. We provide age appropriate lessons for all of our young ones and we invite you to come and discover the wellspring of love that pours out from our church family.
Children’s Sabbath School Class
Every Saturday at 9:30 AM
At Growing Together Sabbath School, your children will learn with the use of games, stories and interactive fun with piers of their own age. Not only that but they will learn the same things as their siblings so that your whole family can grow together.

Young Adult Bible Study
Pastor Nathaniel Sevilla is hosting a Bible study, World Religions: Bridging the Gap, for young adults over Zoom. For more information, contact Pastor Nathaniel or email the church at orangesdachurch@gmail.com.
Follow us on social media:
Click on the link below to see our upcoming event flyers and information.
An Act of Worship
1310 E Walnut Ave
Orange, CA 92867
Sabbath School at 9:30am
Sabbath Worship at 10:50am